1929 land was bought by William Davies (Castle Farm) and William Smith for £38.10 at The Wharf Eardisley Herefordshire.
Subsequently two lawn tennis courts were set up with a ‘tin shed’ for a Club House and the inaugural club established.
A healthy club enjoyed the facilities until closing during the 2nd World War.
After the War they were once again used and for the next 20 years the club thrived. Many members are still active in the village today remembering the arduous task of mowing the grass and their children recall enjoying a rare opportunity to play village tennis – at that time tennis facilities were very limited and most children only had the chance to play tennis at Grammer/Secondary School. However very competitive adult teams were fielded with some success.
Around 1970 interest dwindled and the site was left largely to its own devices and was not improved when a herd of cattle galloped across it! Much later, when the business next door changed hands and the new house was built the entrance was altered to what it is today. As it lay uncared for the new business of car renovation used the site as a dumping ground for old vehicles and rubbish.
In 1994 a Public Meeting was called with the aim of reinstating the club.
A committee of 10 members with Jan Baker as chairman – Ethel Grigg Secretary and Bob Underhill Treasurer was elected.
1995 four Trustees were appointed.
After some legal right of way and ownership issues were settled, clearing of the site started in 1996.
Two tarmac courts were built by Courtstall; Bob Underhill secured funding of £49,205 from Sport England.
April 1998 the new Eardisley Tennis Club was opened.
A new Club House was built by Collett Builders in 1999 and was opened by Mark Cox (former British international player). To commemorate the occasion a Coxs Orange Pippin tree was planted.
This was all financed by a further grant from Sport England together with contributions from local Councils, businesses and fund raising.
1999 granted affiliation to LTA.
In the Millennium year the land adjacent to the club was purchased by a village committee and turned into a recreation area (Millennium Green) which conveniently provides a safe path for walking from the village via the Park Road.
On the far side of our site the boundary is marked by a brook which in 2003 began to encroach dangerously close to the courts and wire cages filled with stone were placed to realigned the brook away from the courts which cost over £3,000.
As the club flourished with the Ladies A team progressing from League 9 to League 3 whereby it now has to provide 6 players per match and therefore three courts. This is addressed by borrowing friends’ courts for which we are very grateful.
The enthusiastic committee continues to encourage more members particularly Juniors providing on going professional coaching throughout the season. Consequently a need arose for more facilities and as there was not room for another full court it was decided, in consultation with The Planning Authority, to have built Mini Tennis Court / Practice Wall which was financed by Herefordshire Volunteers for Action £7,000 and £1,700 H&W; LTA + Club Funds.
On 24th August 2005 Charles Trippe, President of LTA, accompanied by Ian King, President of H&W; LTA, opened the new mini court. Mr Trippe was made a presentation of an antique book on ‘real tennis’ and the very enjoyable event was well supported with one of our founders’ granddaughters, Olive Morgan, being presented with life membership in recognition of her dedication to the club. Mr Trippe also presented juniors awards to children who had won tournaments or for outstanding merit.
In 2005/06 the committee is aiming to achieve mini-tennis accreditation, to help individual performances by continuing to provide on going professional coaching and encourage fun tennis for all.
In 2008/09 the club’s facilities were significantly improved and upgraded. The courts were resurfaced and repainted. In addition, the club installed floodlights to enable all year round play.
Also in 2009 the club achieved LTA Clubmark Accreditation. Achieving Tennis Clubmark means the LTA endorses and supports our club’s tennis programme, policies and procedures, action and development planning, and club management.